There are several online superstores like TCP Global Kustom Paint Superstore which sell airbrush and airbrush stencils. The multilayered stencils "Famous Faces" is part of Anh Pham's stencil and DVD series offered at TCP Global online. They claim easy and professional results, like the portrait of Marilyn Monroe shown here and on TCP Global's website.
Wow it's really unusual..i think you are manro's fan right ? ha ha ha
Hawaiian Wedding Cakes Lover
I wish I did know the creator of the stencils. Maybe I would get a big discount :)
I think it's so cool that a company that basically sells auto paint also has a section for airbrushes used in cake decorating and some great stencils. I used Marilyn Monroe because of Valentine's Day but they also have a lot of stencils of other famous people.
Thanks for stopping by! More interesting stuff to come!
Forgot to say that I would love to see a photo of a traditional Hawaiian wedding cake!
Interesting..I would like a cake airbrushed with mariah carey's picture on it. And black and white would be perfect.
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