Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Cake Decorating Mini-Clinics

The Intro to Cake Decorating mini-clinic was lots of fun!!!! Newbie decorators gathered together, piping bags in hand and had a great time practicing basic buttercream flowers, borders, and flowers with their instructors close at hand.
One member had never held a pastry bag before attending the mini-clinic but by the end of the class, she was producing buttercream borders and stars with the confidence of a pro.

Swapping cake stories and piping buttercream with cake buddies--hey, what more can you ask for?

Practice does make perfect and the newbie decorators' piping skills are getting better by leaps and bounds! Besides the basic piping, we also piped icing swirls on cupcakes for two members who are cupcake fanatics. It was great!

Buttercream roses were piped at our Ode to the Rose Mini-Clinic. We tried the zero trans fat solid white shortening in our class buttercream recipe with no real problems. Whew! that was a relief!

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