Friday, May 2, 2008

May 2008 Cake of the Month

Laura Penney Shamir is a novice cake decorator - she's only been at it since August 2007! On a whim, she signed up for Wilton Course I while shopping at a local Michael's Craft Store and quickly jumped into the world of cake decorating. Laura has a theater background and has always enjoyed artistic endeavors but never truly found her medium until she was introduced to fondant. Now she enjoys making cakes that look like other stuff for friends and family and even getting paid now and then!

While scouring the internet to find other cake enthusiasts, the NYC Cake Decorators Meetup was fortunate enough to have Laura find our website and join our group. Since then, Laura has had the opportunity to learn from many experts in the field including Elisa Strauss, Lori Ann Blethen, Ruth Drennan, Lauri Ditunno and Charmaine Jones. She’s now a member of ICES (International Cake Exploration Society) and an assistant organizer of the NYC Cake Decorators Meet Up Group.

Laura is working on getting her website up and running to promote Lucky Penny Cakes ( but until then, her cakes can be seen on her Flickr account:

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