Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cupcake Ideas!

Royal Icing Snowman Cupcake: cupcake, # 1, 2, 10, 12 tips, string spaghetti, white stiff consistency royal icing, green thin royal icing, dark brown or black thin royal icing (Tip: you can also pipe snowman mouth, eyes, hat, and buttons white and paint with paste color diluted in lemon extract or clear spirits). Pipe the base of the snowman with #12 tip, exerting pressure to create a round shape. Let set a minute or two, then pipe the middle with #12 tip. Insert a small length of spaghetti for arms (Helen's idea. I used a short length of floral wire in the snowman photo). Pipe head of the snowman with #10 tip . Pipe a #2 line around the head of the snowman for the brim of the hat and a bulb in the center for the hat. Use cornstarch dusted fingers to mold into a hat shape if necessary. Pipe #1 mouth, eyes, nose and buttons and scarf with #1 tip.

Ideas: The cupcake snowman scene can be embellished with a candy cane, gumdrop, white edible glitter, coconut, sugar sprinkles, or placed in your gingerbread holiday house scene. You can sprinkle your snowman cupcake with a dust of confectioner's and display your snowman with the lovely holly cupcake wrapper shown here from Fancy Flours.
Fancy Flours has a lot of neat cupcake wrappers in seasonal themes. Personally love their spiderweb, butterfly and holly cupcake wrapper. I also love their vintage cookie wafer papers. Real neat to apply to your cookies.

Hope you liked the how-to directions.



Anamika:The Sugarcrafter said...

Dear Ma'm
The cucakes looks so good and real...really nice show of cupcakes and i must learn and make them too ! Thanks for sharing !

Dina said...

Thank you so much! Your work is so beautiful that I truly wish we were not continents away from each other. If you do make some cupcakes or have novel ideas I would love to see them!