Wednesday, June 10, 2009

NYC Cake Decorators Sugar Art Show

Silvinia won the Grand Prize and $100.00 for her Corpse Bride Cake. The figures are not store bought but were painstakingly handcrafted by Silvinia.

Noelle won 1st Place Beginner Level and $25.00 for this beautiful cake.

Mary won 1st Place Intermediate Level and $25.00 for her stunning hydrangeas and roses wedding cake.

NYC Cake Decorators first Sugar Art Show, was open to members only. The purpose of the show was to give members an opportunity to push themselves to the next level and get feedback on their design in a helpful and supportive environment. The members are very talented as demonstrated by all the beautiful cakes entered into the show. Special thanks to our judges:
Chef Marc Matthias, Ximena Sempertergui , Isabel Sanchez, and Helen Murphy.


Rachel said...

great job guys! I will definitely participate next year!


Anonymous said...

Waaaaw..Its really mind blowing job...very nice..

Thank you very much...

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