Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Are You Going to ICES Fall WOS?

The NY Chapter of ICES Fall Weekend of Sharing (WOS) has a fantastic line up of classes which will showcase truly extraordinary cake artists. This years Fall WOS will take place upstate New York but if traveling by mass transit you need not worry because arrangements can be made to pick you up at the train station.

Of special note, members Chef Janet Ben-Ami, Hey! Cookie and Natalie Johnson, A World of Cakes will conduct several workshops.

Here is a sneak peak:
October 16th
Ximena Sempertegui - Fairy (2-part class)
Janet Ben-Ami (member/instructor) - Modeling Clowns
Geraldine Randlesome: Covering Cake in Fondant using diamond markers, crimpers, etc.
Natalie Johnson (member/instructor): Fall berry spray with bittersweet and hypernicum berries.
Keith Ryder: Pulled sugar ribbon candy

October 17th
Natalie Johnson (member/instructor) - Marzipan fruits and vegetables
Janet Ben-Ami (member/instructor)- Stenciling
Ximena Sempertegui - Vintage Pram
Keith Ryder: Pulled Sugar decorations
Beth Spinner: Gumpaste boarder punch floater collar
Kathy Farner: Using the Cricut

Registration forms, traveling info, and pics are downloadable on NYC Cake Decorators Meetup FILES.

Happy Caking!


1 comment:

LoveCupcakes said...

I wish you present it in much larger photo. But this cake really look great.