Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Cake Pop Fun!

I work with children teaching min-cake, cupcake, and cookie decorating. Add cake pops - a real kid favorite!

Starts out with a basic cake recipe...


Ok, I am not a purest.  I cannot bring myself to crumble up a cake + frosting and work into a ball.  I like this cake pop pan, although I'm still working out the kinks. I think the next batch will come out the oven a few minutes earlier.

The cake pop pan comes with sticks that have a little ledge that stabilizes the cake pop and prevents it from slipping off the stick.  [You can order more plastic sticks]. This pop was dipped in melted semi-sweet chocolate and sprinkled with crushed walnuts. Simply decorated but delish.


Paula said...

Love that you teach kids to bake and decorate and I'm loving this cake pop pan!

Dina said...

Thanks Paula,

Teaching little chefs in the making is so much fun. I do love the cake pop pan. [The mouth feel of crumbled cake mixed with icing is a bit too sugary for me].

The "pops" made in the pan are actual bites of cake which I like much better. The only problem I have had so far is that the pan does not seem to bake evenly, even though I spray the pan with cooking spray as directed. Next time I am going to reduce the cooking time and see what happens.

I bought this pan at Bed, Bath, and Beyond.